Monday, February 15, 2016

Progressive Income Tax Explained

This video is very funny.  Obviously, it simplifies a lot but it makes a very good point.  I side with Harry throughout.  Dick's flat tax would be nice but no income tax would be better.  Imagine the shrinkage of the government if it couldn't play rich against poor against middle class with the progressive tax scheme?  Oh, who am I kidding?  The government is spending trillions of dollars it doesn't have so a sudden loss of tax revenue would hardly impact our spendthrift government.

The idea of From each according to his ability and to each according to his needs was popularized by Karl Marx, Father of Communism.  That describes the progressive income tax.  Is it any surprise that Hillary Clinton calls herself a Progressive?  Bernie is much more honest, declaring himself to be a socialist who honeymooned in the Soviet Union (that's the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).  Bernie doesn't think the tax rate described in the video goes far enough.  No, Harry should pay much more.  And so should Dick!

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