Saturday, February 27, 2016


Deadpool opens with a freeze-frame exploration of an SUV mid-tumble on the highway while a half dozen men within are battling the red-clad Merc with a Mouth.  Credits appear, offering only descriptions, not names.  Thus, the movie stars British Villain, CGI Character, and Hot Chick among others.  Of course, we also see a People Magazine with Ryan Reynolds on the cover as Sexiest Man Alive.  The film is rife with such silliness, which quite befits the character.  From exploring this frozen instant of a frantic fight, the movie finally rolls with Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) in a cab driven by Dopinder (Karan Soni from Other Space).  Deadpool gets out of the cab in the middle of a highway overpass where he jumps off and plummets into the very SUV from the opening credits.  Crazy comic combat commence!  Several times during this messy melee, there are flashbacks to explain the purpose of this fight.  Thus, this fight lasts for half the movie.  :)
Deadpool has a constant monologue, offering endless commentary as the narrator but also offers asides by breaking the fourth wall (even within a 4th wall breakage, he breaks the 4th wall.  "That's like 16 walls!") to address the audience directly.  He offers commentary about the movie's budget, actors who have played roles in Marvel movies, and so on.  He is rude, crude, amoral, and frequently annoying, especially to his enemies but also his friends.  He is a kick-ass fighter but also a few fries short of a happy meal.  He repeatedly forgets things; it was quite funny when he forgot his bag of guns and ammo in Dopinder's cab.  I viewed Guardians of the Galaxy as the funniest Marvel film but this one far exceeds it.  I laughed so hard during Deadpool's fight with Colossus that I cried.  There is often a slapstick quality to the movie that hits just the right note.
I have not been a fan of Reynolds but he is perfect for this role.  In much the same way that Tom Hanks finally found the right character in Big and Will Farrell found it in Elf, Ryan Reynolds has finally found his character: he is Deadpool.  After watching this, one can see why comic fans were disappointed by the version of Deadpool seen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  Deadpool comments on that too.
Very entertaining and worth seeing.  Thumbs up!

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