Thursday, April 28, 2016

America First

Donald Trump recently gave a foreign policy speech which mostly boiled down to 'America First' as the guiding principal.  The idea that such would even need to be stated tells us how far the government had drifted.  Of course, America first.  Should American government put the interests of Thailand before those of South Dakota?  Clearly, the Iran Nuclear Deal seemed to be far more to Iran's benefit than to ours.  The flood of immigrants and refugees into the United States has been far more beneficial for them than for those already here.  It is on account of such incidents that 'America First' can resonate as a policy.
However, there is nuance that Trump does not explore.  He is big on getting formerly American jobs back to America.  Is that a good idea?  If Apple can manufacture an iPhone in China for $200 but it costs $300 to make it in the US, the American consumer is better off having it made over there.  However, a handful of American workers would be much better off if it was made here.  Who gets priority?  If it is millions of consumers vs. thousands of workers, I would side with the consumer.  People vote with their dollars and usually buy the least expensive option of comparable quality.
On another note, Trump indicates that he doesn't like America's role in maintaining the peace.  He wants to send a bill to all the countries that benefit from our military supremacy.  There is an argument to make on both sides of this issue.  By maintaining the peace, the US benefits.  Yes, there are costs and it may seem unfair that other countries are free riders, but dismantling or charging for the peace will likely end the peace.  Few would argue dissolving the police because homeless people, illegal aliens, tax dodgers, and others don't pay their fair share.  If the US abdicates the role, someone else will fill that vacuum and is not likely to be as benevolent as the US.
Trump is a foreign policy lightweight but, sad to say, I expect I would prefer his foreign policy to what has been in place for the last 7 years.  That's not to say it would be good, but it would be less bad.  Marginally.

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