Thursday, April 28, 2016

This isn't News! It's Froth

This story observes the Donald Trump could get the most votes of any candidate in GOP primary history.  It is nothing but a puff piece.  Of course he has the most.  When was the last time that a primary wasn't decided by now?  For the last 40 years, the campaign has been long over by now with the nominee already chosen.  Once that happens, voter turnout plummets.  Now we are in a year where the nominee is not settled which inevitably drives up turnout.  Duh!  In our media-saturated world, nothing stories get written.  We have 24/7 news, which is why we have so much non-news, analysis posing as news, news agency run polls that become news on that news agency, and so on and so forth.  So much froth!

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