Thursday, April 7, 2016

Et Tu, Yahoo?

This is not a good sign for Hillary.  I found this on Yahoo!  Yahoo leans left on its news feeds and usually overlooks, or generously spins, Democrat malfeasance.  To prominently post this is to take Bernie's side in the campaign.  With his streak of victories, it does look like the tide may be turning in his favor.  Of course, even if he manages to win the majority from here out, he will lose based on super delegates.  In states Bernie has won, the majority of the super delegates have remained in Hillary's camp.  Might we see a change?  If her inevitability collapses, the odds of her indictment will rise.  Rough waters ahead.
I still think Hillary is going to be the eventual winner but it has been a more challenging campaign than the Democrats ever expected.  That hints at her unpopularity.  In 2008, Democrat voters had an alternative to the inevitable Hillary and took him.  In 2016, they have a less charismatic and historic alternative and are starting to lean in that direction.  If the Democrat base isn't enamored of Hillary, how is she going to do on the national stage?  She is going to need to make the Republican nominee toxic with negative ads.  Luckily for her, that shouldn't be too hard with either Trump or Cruz.

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