Sunday, October 23, 2016

Polls to Bludgeon the Voters

WikiLeaks just keeps revealing the corruption of the system.  Here is an email chain where it is made clear that polling exists to shape public opinion, not measure it.  Intentional over-sampling to 'convince' voters that their candidate is way behind - and thus depress that candidates eventual votes - is common practice.  Not only that, but the Clinton Campaign is offering pointers on how to rig the polls for maximum effect.  Of course, this isn't new.  The media called the state of Florida for Al Gore while polls were still open (different time zone) in the Republican-leaning panhandle of the state.  How many votes were suppressed by doing that?  Was that accidental?  Had the state not been prematurely called, would we have completely avoided the fiasco that followed?

WikiLeaks has also shown that the Mainstream Media is all-in for Hillary.  The Center for Public Integrity found that 96% of the money given to campaigns by journalists has gone to the Clinton campaign.  That their reporting and polling is beneficial to the Democrats therefore comes as no surprise.  It has long been so but only now has it been exposed so clearly.  And yet the media dodges stories that should be HUGELY newsworthy because those very stories reflect so poorly on the news media.

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