Monday, October 24, 2016

The Scandal that Wasn't

Thanks to WikiLeaks, it has been demonstrated that members of the media have colluded with the Clinton campaign to improve her electoral chances, a stellar violation of all putative journalistic standards.  The response from the majority of the media?  Ostracism?  Dismissal?  No, just an indifferent shrug.  This should be a career-ruining scandal for all involved and yet it has provoked little more than yawns among the corrupt journalists' colleagues.  They all do it and none are in a position to cast stones.  However, had any of them done the same for Trump, that person would be a pariah.
As noted in previous blogs, the media is either a lapdog or an attack dog depending on which party is in power.  Being distrustful of government, I want an attack dog that challenges every encroachment and every move of government.  The only way that happens is when Republicans are in office.  That is the unfortunate truth.

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