Tuesday, December 20, 2016

California Embassy in Moscow?

If the website didn't say Los Angeles Times, I would think this story must be from the Onion.  Those in favor of California Secession have opened an 'embassy' in Moscow?  The same place that is supposedly responsible for the hacking that torpedoed the candidate that California overwhelmingly chose in the recent election?  You couldn't open this embassy in Mexico or Canada?  Maybe France?  No, let's go with Russia, America's old Cold War nemesis and current geopolitical rival.  California wants to escape the tyranny of Trump and figures Putin - Trump's puppet master if some media sources are to be believed - should be the first choice for an ally?  Have I stumbled on to a fake news site?
After reading the story, it turns out that a proponent for Calexit is teaching English in Russia; his wife is Russian.  Still, maybe he could have waited until an embassy had opened someplace that didn't have a long history of being America's enemy.

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