Thursday, June 1, 2017

Concrete Costs for Uncertain Returns

President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change today, citing that there were trillions in costs to the United States.  He pointed out that China, the top polluter, would be allowed to increase its share of pollution for another 13 years (gee, I wonder if that was a bribe to get them to sign?) but America has to start cutting immediately.  Let's see, we can increase pollution in China but not America and would like to build a new factory; where does that factory get built?  Like most global schemes, the goal is to pick America's pocket.  The US pays the largest share for maintaining the United Nations and the place votes against us on a regular basis.

The most outlandish attack was by billionaire Tom Steyer who accused Trump of a "traitorous act of war against the American people."  Oh, the hyperbole!  Forcing American taxpayers to subsidize the world's economies because of Al Gore's misleading movie and scores of climate models that have failed to predict the current state of the climate does not sound like treason against Americans.  In fact, it sounds more like putting American interests first.
The government that governs least, governs best.
Thomas Jefferson
International organizations are just another brick on the structure of global government, which will inevitably be oppressive as monopolies always are.  The powerful elites of the world truly hate that their citizens can vote with their feet and leave; global government will solve that.  However, selling the monopoly is always hard but years of trial balloons have come up with certain strategies to convince taxpayers to vote away their freedoms.  Global warming/climate change has been particularly effective.  If the uncooperative climate hadn't flat lined in the late 90s, it would be selling much better today.

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