Friday, June 23, 2017

You Want It, YOU Pay for It

Seen on Facebook:

Wanting everyone to have healthcare, education and food does not make you a communist, socialist or unpatriotic.  It just makes you a good person.

Interestingly, I agree.  I want everyone to have all those things.  Heck, I want everyone to have a nice house, a loving family, and a meaningful life.  These are great things to want for other people.  Left unsaid is how to achieve these desires.  That communism and socialism are even mentioned implies that the government should be involved.  And that would require a different formulation:

Wanting the government to use its coercive power to take the earnings of one person and give it to another person makes you a thief, and a socialist.  Being generous with other people's money does not make you a good person.
If you want these things for others, take steps on your own to achieve them.  Start a charity, convince friends to help pay for a student to go to college, or pay the medical bills of the injured.  Using the force of government to compel others to provide your wants is immoral.

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