Friday, June 2, 2017

Now That's Chutzpah!

Kathy Griffin had a press conference today in which she declared herself the victim, that she was being mistreated because - wait for it - she is a woman.  Yes, had Jim Carrey or Will Farrell held up a bloody head, they wouldn't be getting this kind of grief.  She held up a Trump's decapitated head and calls him the bully. 
"Gee, officer, I burned the cross in his yard because he was bullying me."  Yeah, that's gonna fly.
In her rambling, she declared that 'He broke me,' and thus blamed Trump for her current troubles.  Moreover, she says 'old white men' are trying to destroy her life.  Would that be like people on her side of the aisle who have sought to put bakers, photographers, and florists out of business because they acted in disapproved ways?  Turnabout is fair play.  A lot of people are upset at her cultural appropriation of ISIS beheading practices and think her life should be driven out of business.  She started this ball rolling and should take responsibility for it.  It's her turn to get put out of business.
Kathy's big problem is that it wasn't funny and, even though her fellow traveler's sympathize, the decapitated head is indefensible.  It's hard to defend Kathy without condoning the mock beheading.  The very people who accused Sarah Palin of inciting violence for a crosshair on Gabrielle Giffords' Arizona district cannot then excuse a bloody disembodied head.  Let's look at one of the people who accused Palin of inciting violence:
Watching the news? Congresswoman in AZ, who is ON Sarah Palin's crosshairs map was SHOT in the head 2day. Happy now Sarah?
Kathy Griffin @kathygriffin, 8 Jan 2011
Clearly, Kathy has shown Sarah how to up her game in the next election.  Pretend to kill the politician you oppose and then blame that person for the fallout that follows.  Now that's chutzpah.

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