Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Alexander the Great (1963)

Before Star Trek or Batman, there was Alexander the Great.  In 1963, William Shatner and Adam West were cast in a TV pilot that would detail the adventures of Alexander as he conquered the known world.  This episode: The Battle of Issus!  Of course, the pivotal battle that opened the heartland of Persia to Alexander's forces is more of a backdrop to the traitors among his leading generals, most notably Karonos (John Cassavetes).  William Shatner plays a cheerfully brash Alexander who just seemed like Kirk in a time-travelling episode of Star Trek.  Adam West's role was quite small but he is clearly intended as a trusted advisor and sidekick.  Joseph Cotten guest starred as Antigonus, the trusted elder statesman and voice of reason.

Filmed in Utah, the vast armies are never more than 30 or so soldiers.  It is no wonder that betrayal rather than epic battle was the focus.  As the show was not bought, this pilot sat around until years later when both Shatner and West had big followings.  In 1968, this turkey was aired.

Goofy and formulaic, it is both fun and cringe-inducing.  Just imagine the series that might have been if some network had given it the greenlight.

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