Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lockdowns Have Gone Too Far

Here is an interesting report out of Pennsylvania.  If two thirds of the cases are at nursing homes and the average age of someone who dies of Covid-19 is 79, why is everyone locked down?  Yes, have the elderly stay home but younger people, especially under 40, should be allowed out.  The shutdown was sold as a way to flatten the curve.  The curve is flattened.  The risk of overwhelming the system has been averted.  Let people go back to work.  Sure, we can wear masks and social distance but if isolation hasn't burned out the virus yet, it isn't a worthwhile tactic.  Maybe in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, where the majority of cases and deaths have occurred, should stick with the lockdown but not the whole country.  This starts to smack of petty tyrants who get high on locking up their citizens.

Speaking of petty tyrants, consider the Texas judge who sentenced a woman to jail because she didn't admit to being 'selfish.'  We're releasing prisoners for fear of the spread in jails and prisons but putting a woman in jail for not accepting court-ordered bankruptcy.  Nice.

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