Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Modesty Blaise (1966)

Modesty Blaise (Monica Vitti) has been called upon by British Intelligence (Harry Andrews) to protect a diamond shipment en route to a Middle Eastern Sheik.  For some inexplicable reason, Modesty is the 'son' of the Sheik.  Why does the government need to employ multiple diversions and subterfuge to deliver the diamonds to a man who is in London at this very moment?  Unclear.  Modesty refuses to come out of her retirement unless she can have Willie Garvin (Terence Stamp) involved.  Off to Amsterdam where Modesty tangles with a British agent involved in the operation and Willie seduces a low-level vixen from the opposition.  The villain of the piece is Gabriel (Dirk Bogarde), a fastidious fellow with a band of mildly comic henchmen.  There are times that it feels like an episode of The Prisoner with the crazy traps, inscrutable villains, and non sequitur plot.  At other times, it is an episode of Get Smart with crazy gadgets and comic action.  And here is a musical number where Modesty and Willie profess a desire to have an affair.  Doubtless, the Austin Powers series took some inspiration from this movie.  Mostly, it is a convoluted mess that is occasionally funny.  One weird quirk was the dual role of Clive Revill.  On the one hand, he is Gabriel's unflappable accountant who nags about how much is being spent on this or that operation.  On the other hand, he is Sheik Abu Tahir, the recipient of the diamond shipment.

Having read a couple Modesty Blaise graphic novels, this is not what I expected.  Not terrible but far from good.  Sixties spy spoof that had a lot of room for improvement.

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