Sunday, August 16, 2020

Quiz for Low Info Voters

Scott Adams proposed a test to determine if one is a low-information voter.  Here are some of his suggested questions:

1. Did Trump colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 election?
2. Did the FBI colluded to overthrow the government?
3. Do you believe the Fine People hoax?
4. Has science proven that HCQ is ineffective for COVID and in fact is dangerous?
5. Do we already know which leaders did a good vs. bad job on coronavirus management?
6. Do you believe China is more of a threat or a partner?

None of these are opinion questions.  All have factual answers.  Have you answered them?  Okay, here are the correct answers, per Scott Adams:

1. No
2. Yes
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. Threat

Depending on how many you got correct, you may be a low information voter.  If you are a low information voter, expand your sources for news.

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