Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Coming Civil Wars

Scott Adams has predicted that civil wars - yes, plural! - are coming.

Civil War # 1: The coming election is likely to be a disaster, by design.  Mail-in voting will provide for a huge amount of fraud and/or disenfranchisement.  Unless one candidate wins by landslide regardless of voting concerns, the losing side will go ballistic.  Mail-in voting increases the likely would of an unclear outcome and will lead to a contested election like 2000 where individual votes were argued based on the condition of the chad on the ballot.  That was in Florida only.  Now do that nationwide.

If Biden pulls out a win in the same manner of Al Franken in 2008 (i.e. after the initial count and first recount gave the win to his opponent, a 2nd recount 'found' votes that put Franken in office), we might see a civil war where red states secede.  Unlikely, but it has been a high-stress year; high stress can lead to crazy results.

If Trump wins by anything other than a massive landslide (unlikely), it will inevitably be declared a rigged election.  There will be claims of disenfranchisement or Russian collusion or Chinese collusion or whatever sounds good at the time.  That will probably happen even if Trump wins 50 states and the District of Columbia.  If it is less than a landslide (likely), Antifa and BLM will up their games.

Civil War # 2: The body camera footage of the George Floyd arrest has been released.  He had been placed in the back of the police car but struggled to get back out, saying he couldn't breath.  He was making claims about being unable to breath prior to being held on the ground.  That would obviously change what the officers thought when he continued saying it.  The likelihood that they are found not guilty just rose dramatically.  If we've had nationwide protests in the wake of Floyd's death, what will happen when the officers are acquitted?

Scott views these as coming and we should prepare.  He has been shown to be pretty good at predicting events.

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