Monday, May 2, 2022

Russell Brand, Right-Winger

As a performer, I was never impressed by Russell Brand.  I saw him on Saturday Night Live about 10 years ago and was unimpressed.  He's so manic and not particularly funny.  British comedy, right.  Get Him to the Greek was one of those rated R comedies that made liberal use of profanity as a punchline.  Oh, the humor.  His one performance I have enjoyed was that of Dr. Nefario in the Despicable Me franchise.  Of note, you would never know it was Russell Brand if not for the billing in the credits.

On the side, he has been a political activist, as most entertainers these days are.  He's called for the legalization of drugs, massive redistribution of wealth, supported the Green Party, supported the Labour Party, attacked Nigel Farage of UKIP (pro-Brexit), and called the Conservative Party a danger.  Standard leftwing talking points all.  Like him or not, he has all the bona fides of a leftwing partisan.  And yet, on a list of Joe Rogan guests that divides them as left-wing and right-wing, Brand was listed on the right!  He addressed this in a video on his YouTube channel.  The video is almost 3 moths old, but I only just learned of it.

Brand outlines his views, which are still classically leftist, but he has taken to attacking the ruling class of either side.  The left-wing parties are more often just elitists who espouse views that they do not then enact.  He's anti-war and feels homeless.  He wants to regulate big pharma while the main parties are in the pocket of big pharma.  What party does one join to roll-back the surveillance state?

It is no longer a left vs. right issue.  It is insider vs. outsider and has been for quite some time.  Glenn Reynolds described it as Front Row Kids vs. Back Row Kids.  The new nobility has control of government.  Their acolytes dominate the media and will denounce any who threaten the status quo.  Welcome to the outside, Russell.

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