Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Return of Indiana Jones

A new Indiana Jones movie is expected next year, and it got me to thinking when it will take place.  Let's look at the previous movies.

Raiders of the Lost Ark arrived in theaters in 1981, but took place in 1936.  That is a gap of 45 years.  Harrison Ford was 39 years-old.  He is only 2 years older than Indy should be.

Temple of Doom was released in 1984 but took place in 1935.  The gap has widened to 49 years and Harrison Ford was 42.  He was now 6 years older than Indy.

The Last Crusade opened in 1989, taking place in 1938.  That's 51 years.  Ford was 47, 8 years older than Indy.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull debuted in 2008, but took place in 1957.  That is again a 51 year gap.  Ford was 66.  Again, 8 years older than Indy.

With all this in mind, when will the latest movie be set?  Ford is now 80.  Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. was born around 1899, which means he would be 80 in 1979.  In the TV series from 1992, George Hall played a 93 year-old Indy who would offer an intro and outro to that week's episode.  Of course, if we stick with the 51 year gap from the last two movies, it should take place in 1972.

It is long overdue for Indy to be recast.  Harrison Ford should be taking over the role of George Hall, opening the latest adventure by reminiscing on his younger days.  Also, when is he going to get his eye patch?  I always assumed that Old Indy had lost his eye many years ago.  Don't let some stupid cat gouge his eye like Nick Fury.

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