Thursday, April 28, 2016

Who Gets to Refuse Service?

North Carolina has passed a law that requires individuals to use the bathroom that matches their biology.  This has the transgendered community and their supporters up in arms.  In fact, several corporations (e.g. Pay Pal), governments (e.g. New York State), and performers (e.g. Bruce Springstein) have decided to boycott, ban travel to, or refuse to perform at previously scheduled concerts.  In a free society, I have no problem with that.  However, these very companies, governments, and people considered it a crime when florists, bakers, and photographers refused service to people with whom they disagreed.  Can you say hypocrisy?
As someone who leans libertarian, I have no qualms with private individuals or companies refusing to associate with persons, places, or companies for whatever reason?  The first amendment provides for a Freedom of Association.  Why should government have the authority to force you to ignore your deeply held believes, no matter how ill-conceived they may be?  If Nancy refuses to bake a cake for me because she doesn't like the color of my eyes, my politics, or that I'm male, so be it.  I may offer a colorful epithet, write a scathing review on Yelp, and tell everyone I know that she should be avoided, but I can get a cake elsewhere.  However, if you are the kind of person who is going to sue Nancy, you are the problem.  You are intolerant.

Freedom can suck sometimes, especially when people who don't agree with you exercise it.  The alternative is worse.  Far too many people want the alternative.  While it works in their favor, they are pleased.  Eventually, freedom will be extinguished by inches and the tyranny that has been founded will crush the foolish who enabled it.

1 comment:

Hicsum said...

We disagree with you and are therefore refusing your business:

But devout Christian photographers must take pictures at a gay wedding. The RNC should sue and take the case to the same judge.