Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Expand Gun Free Zones!

Another Islamic radical has gone on a killing spree and the blame is placed upon... the gun.  Yes, it is the gun's fault, and thus the NRA's fault and Republicans' fault.  Millions upon millions of guns in the United States but the problem guns keep corrupting innocent Muslims.  If only we had gun controls as strict as France, we would be safe.  There was a massacre in Paris that was even worse than Orlando?  But how?

Question 1: If 1 in 20 of the patrons at Pulse had had concealed handguns, would the carnage have been more, less, or about the same?

Question 2: You are a terrorist and have gotten your hands on a gun.  You want to kill as many people as possible before you are taken down.  Do you attack A) a Police Station, B) a Gun Range, or C) a Gun Free Zone?

Question 3: Your city is on high alert for a terrorist attack because of a Craigslist ad.  Where do you think you will be most safe?  A) Police Station, B) Donut Shop, C) Church, D) Gun Free Zone.

When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.  Wouldn't it have been nice if this was the reception that Omar Mateen had received?

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