Friday, July 15, 2016

Hillary in Trouble

Since Trump locked up the nomination, he has been pretty quiet.  He has been spending no money on ads and not having the daily rallies that were a staple of his primary campaign.  By contrast, Hillary has been spending money in swing states to paint a picture of Trump in much the way that Obama painted a picture of Romney prior to the convention.  With one party on the attack and the other relatively silent, one expects the attacking candidate to gain as the attacked is 'exposed' as unfit or whatever the ads say.  That's what happened to Romney.  It isn't going that way this time.  Hillary is taking a beating just from the news of the day.  Being 'cleared' by the FBI and her case being closed by the AG Lynch have tarnished, rather than burnished, her image.  She has been sinking in the polls while Trump has risen.  Rasmussen shows Trump taking the lead!  Imagine how it will look when he starts fighting back.

The super delegates may want to reconsider when the Democratic Convention starts.  Though he has endorsed Hillary (who has been well-paid by Wall Street), Bernie would surely be happy to step up if the need arose.  Hillary has no accomplishments to tout and must therefore tear Trump down.  It is going to be an ugly election.  Trump's chances look better all the time.

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