Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Marvel Madness

First, Thor became a woman.  Next, Captain America was a member of Hydra all along.  Now, Iron Man is a teenaged black girl.  I haven't read a comic book in years  and, as far as I know, this may be absolutely brilliant story-telling in each case.  However, with the massive success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), why do this to clearly popular characters?  If I am entranced by Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man to the point that I want to start reading the comic, won't I be upset to discover Iron Man is now a teenaged girl?  I am reminded of some sci-fi series I had loved but were canceled when they tried to fix what wasn't broken.  Space: 1999 was absolutely awesome when I was kid.  But the second season 'fixed' the show by writing out characters and changing the format.  It was promptly canceled.  Buck Rogers, a campy sci-fi show, turned into a bad copy of Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek in its second season.  It was canceled.  Since I mention Battlestar Galactica (the 70s version, not the reboot crap), it too suffered a complete format change when it was revived as Galactica 1980.  Why doesn't anyone get the message to not mess with success?  The MCU is having hit after hit in films but the comic universe is undermining or replacing these popular characters.  I don't get it.  Do the comic books not want to attract the movie fans?  I don't know why I bother to rant on this as I don't read the comics and have no intention of doing so.
End of rant.

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