Saturday, July 16, 2016

#NeverTrump means President Hillary

Trump is not a conservative.  He is barely a Republican.  It makes total sense that George Will, Bill Kristol, et al. would oppose him on principle, especially through the primaries.  Hey, I far preferred Ted Cruz, someone else whom George Will held in low regard.  The primaries are over and, like it or not, the voters gave Trump the nomination.  So now there is a new choice.  Trump or Hillary?  Amazingly, the #NeverTrump crowd are leaning toward the 'extremely careless' Hillary who clearly misled the public on Benghazi and proved disastrous as Secretary of State.  However, she is part of the establishment, just like them.  Hmmm.
Trump has very little support among the Republican establishment and will thus have to fight tooth and nail with constant appeals to the voters to get anything done.  Unless he can wield the bully pulpit like a maestro, he is going to begin his presidency as a lame duck.  Not only will the media and the Democrats oppose him but the Republicans are going to be less than helpful.  All this talk of fascism is nonsense and those spewing it know it is nonsense.  Trump's powerbase is the voters and the establishment of both parties has been ignoring the voters for years, thus the reason Trump won the nomination and Bernie proved challenging.
By contrast, Hillary will be the first woman president.  Much as any opposition to Obama has been painted as racism, any opposition to Hillary will be sexism.  It isn't even arguable that this will happen.  The constant calls of racism have been fantastically successful in getting the Republicans to rollover and play dead.  The loyal opposition has been weak at best and Vichy France at worst.  If Hillary is inaugurated, we will hear endless claims of sexism, war on women, old boys' club, patriarchy, and on and on.  Heck, we hear a lot of that now but it will be on steroids with Hillary in the White House.  And the Republicans will continue to rollover as the media cheers her in much the same way they have cheered Obama.
With that in mind, if you want less powerful government, which candidate do you choose?  If you believe in checks and balances, separation of powers, and the rule of law, which do you choose?  The answer is obvious.  But if you are part of the establishment and want the good times to keep rolling, to have a third Obama term...  Well, that answer is also obvious.
It is very rare that I disagree with George Will but a Hillary Clinton Presidency, which will assure a liberal Supreme Court for decades to come, will be far more harmful than anything Trump can do.  Opposing Trump is as American as apple pie but opposing Hillary proves you are a chauvinist pig!  I want to be able to oppose.

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