Monday, July 11, 2016

Sour Grapes

JEB offered a backhanded congratulation to Donald Trump for winning the nomination:

Kudos to him for, you know, kind of creating the environment and then manipulating the environment to his effect.
Trump appealed to voters while JEB appealed to donors.  The donors sure did love JEB prior to votes being cast.  His war chest was so vast that most thought it was a foregone conclusion that he would win the nomination.  No, he pissed all that money away to no effect.  The all-knowing JEB then offered this insight:

The tragedy of this though, is that there isn't going to be a wall built. And Mexico's not going to pay for it. And there's not going to be ban on Muslims.

JEB doesn't think that's a tragedy.  He doesn't want a wall and he doesn't want to limit Muslim immigration.  In any case, there is already a law to build the wall.  JEB may be surprised to learn that it was passed and signed during his brother's administration!  Isn't that interesting.  The law was passed but Congress didn't fund it.  Wow, imagine if the Republican Congress stopped funding stuff the Republican base doesn't like.  Maybe if they had, you wouldn't have Donald Trump as your nominee.  Oh, but he wasn't done:

And that's the heartbreaking part of this.  Is that I think people are really going to be betrayed.

You mean like the Republicans betrayed their voters after the 2010 elections?  And betrayed their voters again after the 2014 elections?  And have betrayed their voters again and again?  Do you remember all those promises to stop Obamacare, JEB?  If the border wall could be stopped by just not writing that check, what excuse do the Republicans have?  Spinelessness.  Trump is many things but he isn't spineless.  Again, Republican voters have had establishment Republicans betray them so frequently in the last 10 years that Trump is viewed as a more reliable option.  Ponder that, loser!
It is wonderful to see yet another Republican come out and trash the nominee of his party.  This is the guy that - like it or not - your voters chose.  Trashing him can easily be viewed as an attack on the Republican base.  And you wonder why you didn't win so much as a single state, JEB?

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