Sunday, January 15, 2017

Outraged by the Predictable

Of late, I have seen several stories about how Trump has 'lashed out' or 'attacked' or otherwise spoken ill of this person or that person.  However, it is always in response to those very people speaking ill of him.  Meryl Streep took the opportunity of her lifetime achievement award to criticize the president-elect and he responded by calling her overrated.  Obviously, that is a juvenile attack as Streep is clearly the most talented actress of her generation.  Then there was CNN being called fake news after joining the BuzzFeed Trump Dossier story.  Now it is John Lewis who called Trump an illegitimate president-elect and Trump responded in kind.  This is all entirely predictable.  We have seen the pattern for almost 2 years now.  Trump is like a 10 year-old on the playground.  Call him a "doo doo face" and you can expect to be called a "big dummy" in return.
Of course, all these outraged people must know that Trump is going to reply with his customary insults and belittling comments.  They also know that the majority of the media (e.g. CNN) will report the story to make Trump look like the instigator.  It all seems very childish on both sides to me.  However, Romney did not reply to attacks and lost.  Trump replies to EVERY attack and won.  Is there a lesson to learn there?

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