Monday, January 23, 2017

Too Much at Stake in Modern Elections

Here is an excellent article by Glenn Reynolds:

Elections matter too much

Yes, precisely.  Too much of how the country is going to be rides on elections.  Everything has become political.  Mussolini wanted everything to be within the state, nothing outside the state.  The continued expansion and centralization of government is leading in that direction and both sides panic at the ascendance of the other.  That the panic is not irrational should demonstrate to all that the government has too much power, too much reach.

Last year, Texas Governor Abbot proposed a Constitutional Convention to consider some new amendments.  Many of his amendments reiterated the existing limits already in the Constitution and failing to limit.  I remain skeptical of the plan but it is a little used Constitutional provision that the States can use.  Perhaps an amendment that said, "We were serious about the 10th Amendment" would get the President, Congress, and Supreme Court to limit themselves to the powers actually enumerated in the Constitution.  Maybe we should just have a reboot of the operating system; it works surprising well for computers, maybe it can work for government.

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