Saturday, April 1, 2017

Flynn Immunity Request

In July, 2003, Robert Novak noted that Joseph Wilson had been suggested for the job of confirming the Saddam Hussein yellow cake story in Niger by his wife, Valerie Plame.  The CIA requested an investigation to determine who had 'leaked' Plame's name to Novak.  The firestorm commenced with suggestions that the Bush Administration had leaked Plame's name for revenge against Joe Wilson's debunking the yellow cake story.  With that in mind, the targets of the ensuing investigation quickly became Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and VP Dick Cheney.  However, when all was revealed, the leaker proved to be Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, which the investigation knew almost from the beginning.  Therefore, almost right out the gate, Special Counsel Fitzgerald knew that Novak's leak came from Richard Armitage.  Armitage was charged with no crimes.  Ergo, the very act that was the impetus for the investigation was found not to be criminal.  $2.6 million spent on investigating something that was not a crime and resulted in no prosecutions?  Unthinkable.  Therefore, Scooter Libby, who demonstrably did not leak Plame's name, was charged with 5 crimes and convicted of 4 in association with the investigation.  Thus, Dick told Bob about Valerie and Scooter was blamed.
Libby was charged with perjury, making false statements, and obstruction of justice.  Why?  He wasn't involved in releasing Plame's name and had no reason to lie.  Fitzgerald announced that Libby had prevented the grand jury from determining if the leak had been a federal crime.  Huh?  The testimony of Libby was going to determine whether Armitage's leaking was a crime?  Libby was done in because his testimony did not match that of Judith Miller, who had taken notes of her conversations with Libby.  Fitzgerald viewed discrepancies as Libby lying and obstructing.  As he did not leak the name, Libby got a raw deal.  Unless Flynn is a dedicated diarist, his memory is going to be inconsistent.  Such could be judged criminal.
Seeing the fate of Libby, Mike Flynn may just be taking rational precautions.  Immunity is a tool to bypass the little fish and catch the big fish.  If Flynn can expose a bigger fish, why not give him immunity to do so?  Maybe he expose Trump's dealings with Russia, if there are any.  Maybe he can shed light on who is leaking to the media, such as who leaked Flynn's name.  Either of these would be blockbusters.  Of course, the former is unlikely or immunity would already have been offered; neither party likes President Trump.

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