Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Change in Messaging is Key

Illegal border crossings have hit their lowest point in 17 years!  Doubtless, like the economy, this is an Obama success for which Trump is taking credit.

The ground hasn't even been broken for Trump's Wall, the government is still operating on a 'budget' that was approved by Barack Obama, and yet the number of illegal crossings is down by two thirds!  This is all messaging.  Where Bush tried to get an amnesty bill through Congress, Obama simply bypassed Congress and offered Dreamer status to whomever could get into the United States.  The message could hardly be clearer: come in and we won't try to kick you out.

Trump has offered a different message: crossing the border illegally is illegal and the laws will now be enforced.  The risks and rewards have suddenly changed and migrants are taking that into account.  Paying a coyote a small fortune to get across the border is a lot more likely to end in deportation than last year.  With America closed off as an overflow safety valve, maybe Mexico will finally be forced to get its act together.
This is a tremendous success for Trump and so far it is just messaging.  When a Trump budget with border enforcement as a priority arrives, the numbers will fall even further.  Immigration is great but illegal immigration is illegal.

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