Saturday, July 13, 2024

Political Incitement

In 2011, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot while attending a rally.  In the immediate aftermath, fingers were pointed at the rhetoric of Sarah Palin.  In a campaign ad aimed at defeating Democrats in the state of Arizona, a crosshair was used for targeting various districts, Giffords' among them.  Clearly, this was Palin calling upon some 'patriot' to gun down the opposition.  Thus, for several months following the shooting, the mainstream media became language police.  Terms like target, tackle, fight, battleground, and the like became unacceptable.  Why?  Because crazy people will take it seriously.  As Giffords was a Democrat, the Republicans were blamed, most especially Republican Sarah Palin.

Let's fast forward to today.  Donald Trump has been vilified by the media as the next coming of Hitler, as a would-be fascist dictator.  After the recent presidential debate, Biden himself said it was time "to put Trump in a bullseye."  The fiery rhetoric against Trump makes Palin's ad campaign from 2011 pale in comparison.  Some pundits have predicted that there would be an assassination attempt on Trump.  It is a common trope that anyone who could time travel would be obligated to kill Hitler.  Well, everyone on the left is claiming that Trump will be as bad as Hitler, so obviously it is reasonable - required even - that he be prevented from becoming president, by whatever means are necessary.  Right?

Though we know nothing of the shooter at this point, it is virtually guaranteed that he will be similar to Jared Loughner, James Hodgkins (shot Republican Congressmen at a baseball practice), or John Hinckley Jr. (shot President Reagan).  Another crazy person who responded to the not so subtle messaging that this or that politician is a threat to the country.

If Sarah Palin's ads were political incitement against Gabby Giffords, then the fiery rhetoric of Democrats at all levels is also political incitement.  Let's dial back the accusations of fascism.  Of course, the Democrats are on the losing side as far as inflation, the border, law & order, and foreign wars.

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