Wednesday, July 24, 2024

President Biden Explains

On Sunday, President Biden announced his withdrawal from the Presidential Campaign.  Today, he addressed the American people to explain why.  First off, it's been his greatest honor to serve as president.  In fact, he holds that his performance in the job clearly merited a second term.  On the other hand, democracy is at stake!  As such, he is handing the baton to a younger generation, namely Vice President Kamala Harris.  It is up to the American people to preserve democracy, honesty, justice, and unity by voting for VP Harris.

President Biden explained nothing.  He could not admit to deteriorating health without thereby justifying his removal by the 25th Amendment.  He indirectly admitted that he dropped out because he was likely to lose, and 'Democracy' is too important to risk.  I'm sure all those primary voters who voted for Joe would have instead voted for Kamala, right?  Joe was ousted by his own party, but he can't say that either.  Though the speech was only 11 minutes and the teleprompter clearly reflected in the window behind him, he still had trouble getting through it.  Who is really calling the shots?

"A republic, if you can keep it."

A republic is not a democracy.  The speechwriter either doesn't know that or thought the two are interchangeable.  The republic has already suffered some serious damage and the Democrats champion further demolition with talk of ending the electoral college, censoring 'hate' speech, letting non-citizens vote, including non-residents in census, expansion of the federal government to the detriment of state and local governments, etc.

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