Saturday, July 20, 2024

The New Conspiracy

Throughout my life, the JFK Assassination has been the subject of speculation and conspiracies.  Over the years, I have bought into some of the conspiracies, discarded them, accepted the Warren Commission's conclusions, and finally shrugged with apathy.  Of course, that happened before I was born.

The shot at Trump a week ago has already spawned speculation and conspiracies.  There is a claim that there were 2 shooters: Thomas Crooks and a man on the water tower.  The photo of the 'man' on the water tower has the same sharp picture quality of most UFO sightings.  Another fellow states that the rifle reports sound different, indicating different guns and/or different locations.  The plentiful reports that Crooks was observed acting suspiciously before the event and spotted on the roof with a rifle well before he fired looks really bad for the Secret Service.  During one press conference, a police officer admitted that the shooter was confronted on the roof, but the officer retreated when the rifle was aimed at him.  What?!  How did that not lead to the immediate evacuation of President Trump?

Then we have the conspiracies.  Some claim Trump arranged the shooting to gain sympathy.  Really?  Others say his ear was cut by glass from a shattered teleprompter.  There is even a theory that the massive computer crash of yesterday was a CIA op to allow them to wipe out evidence that would show they planned the assassination attempt.  Right.  Any regular reader of this blog is aware that I have a low opinion of government and the following quote probably explains the security blunders from last week.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Robert J. Hanlon

After hundreds of events over a period of many years, people get lazy.  Nothing ever happens.  Look how often TSA fails.  How long have people claimed that terrorist are flooding over the southern border (I am among them) and yet no big terrorist attacks.  See.  It doesn't make a difference.  Apathy sets in.  A year ago, maybe just one thing was missed before a rally, but now lots of things are overlooked.

Since Trump survived, this incident won't rise to the level of the JFK Assassination, but it will be the focus of conspiracy theories for the next several years.

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