Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Beekeeper (2024)

Adam Clay (Jason Statham) is a beekeeper in Massachusetts.  He rents a barn on the property of Eloise Parker (Phylicia Rashad).  It is clear that Clay has gotten close to very few people and Eloise is one of them.  Thus, when Eloise is robbed of everything by some online scammers, Clay immediately sets out for vengeance.  It turns out that the mild-mannered beekeeper has a violent history that makes him extremely dangerous.  In fact, ludicrously so.  Yes, the movie quickly crosses the line into fantasy where no amount of FBI agents, Secret Service Agents, SWAT teams, or former Special Forces can stand up to him.

The Beekeepers is an agency (?) outside of the government with the job of protecting the hive, that is the American polity.  That sounds like an incredibly bad idea.  When Clay is forced to face his replacement, there is no subtlety.  The Beekeepers care little of collateral damage.  Nor do they care about stealth.  Every agency has a picture of Clay early in the movie.

The action is entertaining, but the plot is beyond belief.  Why did Jeremy Irons agree to star in this?  Ever since he did Dungeons & Dragons (2000), it feels like he'll take any role.  It also looks like the villain was based on Hunter Biden!  The son of the president does shady deals to make buckets of money and also does cocaine in the presidential residence.

Mediocre.  Skip.

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