Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bernie Sanders: American Communist

Here is an article that is both surprising and scary.  I knew Bernie was on the far left of an increasingly leftist party but this is pretty extreme.  That, in the wake of the most leftist president that the country has ever had, the party is on the brink of selecting someone even further to the left is disheartening.  Have the values of individualism and freedom been beaten down so far that the country could move further into collectivism and a command economy?  Have the seeds that the Soviet Union planted in the American political soil many decades ago not only taken root but bloomed beyond the wildest expectations?  More than two decades after the fall of the Soviets, America is flirting with electing a Soviet apologist to the Presidency.
But for the Obama Presidency, I would not be quite so concerned.  Why?  The opposition party has been entirely too agreeable to the president's destructive policies.  Sure, they loudly proclaim their opposition in public but when the votes are counted, the president has carried the day far too often.  After the 2010 election, his domestic policies should have been hamstrung but they marched on with hardly any hindrance.  After the 2014 election, even his foreign policies should have found increased opposition but the Iran Nuke Deal was approved and US standing has further eroded.  Would a President Sanders encounter somewhat stiffer resistance or will the Republican Congress prove to be just as much of a doormat?
The continued rise of Bernie Sanders shows the weakness of Hillary as a candidate.  The Democratic Party's efforts to shield her by scheduling few debates and putting them at inconvenient times demonstrates that even the party knows she is a weak campaigner and debater.  It is still unlikely that Bernie gets the nomination.  If he does, a half-way competent Republican opponent should be able to demolish him by just revealing the stuff in the linked article.  Of course, Republicans are notorious for their incompetence.

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