Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump Stumbles?

Donald Trump isn't participating in the last debate prior to the Iowa Caucus because Megyn Kelly is unfair to him.  Really?  With a normal candidate, this would be a serious gaffe, possibly fatal.  If you can't deal with a hostile reporter, what the heck are you going to do when North Korea, Iran, Russia, or some other hostile power challenges you?  If she was calling him names or libeling him, maybe I could see it.  Nope.

I'm not very familiar with Megyn Kelly.  I've watched her show a couple of times and seen clips on YouTube and such here or there.  She asks pointed questions of people from both sides of the aisle.  She appears to be a tenacious interrogator who has done her homework before an interview.  In fact, she has done such a good job with homework that she is usually stomping all over her 'guest' if the interview proves confrontational.  That she can do this with considerable charm and a winning smile makes her a real threat to even very experienced politicians.
With the Iowa Caucus just a week away, Trump is betting that people have already decided and the debate is more likely to hurt him than help him.  He's going to sit on his lead rather than risk a turnover.  An Iowa win will give Trump great momentum going to New Hampshire, where he leads.  A loss could be disastrous.  Recall that Howard Dean looked to be the eventual nominee for the Democrats in 2004 until he lost Iowa.  It broke the spell that had entranced the Democrat electorate and he vanished almost overnight.

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