Sunday, January 24, 2016

Louie De Palma is still a Jerk

At the Sundance Film Festival, Danny DeVito declared the country to be racist.  Here's the video.  Because there are no black nominees for the Academy Awards, the country is racist.  To make such a damning accusation against one's own country on such a flimsy foundation says more about DeVito than about the country.  Did the country have a vote as to who the nominees were?  No, actually, only members of the academy had a vote.  How many members of the academy are there?  There are approximately 6,000 voting members of the Academy.  On account of the votes of this tiny cadre of entertainment professionals, Danny DeVito is accusing the entire country of being racist.  Really? 
Let's delve further into this.  Which party benefits from Hollywood donations?  During the 2012 Presidential Campaign, Obama raked in 80% of the donations vs. Romney's 20%.  In the current primaries, Hillary Clinton has received 90% of the money, stomping her nearest competitor, JEB.  So it is safe to say that Hollywood is a Democrat town.  That makes sense.  Democrats were the party of slavery and the party of Jim Crow.  When DeVito accuses the 'country' of being racist, he is trying to shift blame from the overwhelmingly Democratic Academy members who voted only for whites.  Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has a running line where he asks why are liberal enclaves such hotbeds of racism?  It wasn't a bunch of Republicans who selected the Oscar nominees.
I always thought his abrasive and often mean-spirited characters (Louie De Palma of Taxi being the most memorable) showed that he could act.  No, it turns out he wasn't acting at all.

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