Thursday, January 28, 2016

Immigration Reform to Benefit Americans First

What would immigration reform look like if it was more concerned with the welfare of American citizens than it was with immigrants?  We want enough immigrants to help grow the economy but not so many that they will displace Americans by working for substantially lower wages.  We would want immigrants who could readily assimilate, adopting the Western customs of the United States and speaking English in short order.  We would want people who add to the economy, not detract.  With these notions in mind, what policies might we implement?

  1. Only citizens can receive government welfare benefits.  This would include food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC, housing assistance, Earned Income Tax Credit, and so on.  If you can't support yourself, go back to your nation of origin.  It is folly to allow someone to enter the country and then become a drain on those who are productive.  If it is going to cost me money for you to be here, I don't want you.
  2. Immigrants must speak rudimentary English.  Why bring in someone who is functionally illiterate and cannot communicate?  You want to come to the US?  Take some English classes in your home country.  There is an application process that is quite long.  Spend some time learning the language of the country where you want to live.
  3. Educated applicants go to the front of the line.  If given a choice between a high school dropout and PhD, take the PhD.  We have more than enough native high school dropouts.  Let's not import more.  Let's sweep up the best and the brightest and leave the underachievers where they are.
  4. There are no anchor babies.  The very idea is just an invitation for pregnant women to wade across the Rio Grande.  One of your parents has to be a legal resident of the United States in order to confer citizenship.  And even if the Supreme Court decides that birth on American soil confers citizenship, the parents still go home.  You can leave your citizen kid behind to be adopted but you aren't staying.  Stop rewarding the behavior and we'll get a lot less of it.

Immigration needs to benefit American citizens first.  It did not benefit the computer technicians at Disney who trained their H1-B Visa replacements.  It did not benefit the unskilled American teenagers to have vast waves of low-skilled labor flood the market.  It did not benefit Americans to have the Tsarnaev brothers here and on welfare while they planned the Boston Marathon Bombing.  Either you can support yourself when you get here or your application is rejected.  Implement these rules and immigration will become a boon.

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