Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Don't Listen to Losers

Stop attacking the nominee of your party, loser!  It is a done deal.  Are you stupid?  This is the guy.  Attacking him prior to his nailing down the nomination is fine but once he has it, you need to line up behind the nominee.  You make the best with what you have but you don't torpedo your party's nominee?

Where was Mitt Romney when Obama refused to release (and still hasn't) his college transcripts?  What 'bombshells' were hidden there that you and the rest of the Republican Party just ignored?  How about when Bill Clinton refused to release his medical records?  How many times was he treated for venereal diseases was not going to reflect well on his campaign.  Better to refuse to release it.  And he never did.  And Romney complaining about tax returns?  Holy crap!  You are doing to Trump what Harry Reid did to you in 2012.  It was wrong when Reid did it and it is wrong that you do it.  How about you let Hillary and her surrogates attack Trump - as they should - and you attack Hillary?  Which party do you want to win in November?
If Romney had gone after Obama as strenuously as he is now going after Trump, maybe he wouldn't have lost in 2012 and the Republican base wouldn't be so righteously indignant at a bunch of spineless Republicans in Washington that they nominated Trump!  This is your fault!  Own it!  Figure out how to make the best of it but stop trying to make Hillary president.
- end of rant -

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