Tuesday, May 24, 2016

When the Shoe is on the Other Foot

One of many reasons that I want a very constrained and limited government, even when those who share my views are in office (who am I kidding, that doesn't happen), is that I know it won't last.  Eventually, someone with whom I profoundly disagree will get the reins of power.  If I have been a cheerleader while my guy was riding roughshod over the traditional give and take of a Representative Republic, it is going to look really bad when I change my tune when the other party does the same thing when the shoe is on the other foot.  If he is elected, Donald Trump is going to have no more power than Obama currently has and yet the left is panicked as if he is going to impose fascism with his first executive order.
While Obama has by his own definition exceeded the authority granted to him by the Constitution, the left has cheered.  These short-sighted boosters may now be seeing the light.  If a President Trump follows the precedents of President Obama but instead uses them to impose a non-leftist agenda, how does the left complain?  Obama set a precedent when he rewrote immigration law without the participation of the Congress.  He decided certain immigrants would not be deported even if they were caught.  Very well, then if President Trump decides that no Muslims can emigrate to the US, the principled argument has already been lost by supporting Obama.
Here is another take.

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