Thursday, May 26, 2016

Why I prefer Republicans

Glenn Reynolds has a great article today that explains one of the main reasons I prefer Republicans to Democrats.  The Founders had expected the press to be antagonistic of government power, regardless of who was wielding it.  They had not foreseen the rise of the party system but early in the republic, each party had party-run papers.  Andrew Jackson had newspaper men in his Kitchen Cabinet so that he could get the right propaganda to the masses.  Want to read that Jackson is a murderous villain who is exceeding his authority and ruining the nation?  Read a Whig-supported paper.  The bias was out in the open and everyone knew which papers supported which party.  Today, the press is composed mostly of left-leaning journalists who cheer when a Democrat is in office.  However, when a Republican is in office, it is a sin if he goes golfing.  The press is a lapdog or an attack dog depending on the letter (D or R) after the president's name.  I want attack dogs; I'm with Glenn.

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