Thursday, August 18, 2016

Dodging Questions

Considering that the media are hammering Trump for such things as joking that maybe the Russians could provide Hillary's missing emails while at the same time ignoring the pay-for-play scandal that shows strong ties between State Department actions and Clinton Foundation donations, why is Hillary avoiding a comparatively friendly press?  If she cannot face a largely sympathetic media, what is she going to do when faced by the obnoxious Trump in a debate?  She is going to hope most people tune into the football instead.  Looking at the email scandals, the resurfacing of Bill's sex scandals, apparent health troubles (coughing fits and unsteady on her feet), and Benghazi parents' lawsuit, Hillary might be a glass candidate.  She looks strong and more than likely to win but her campaign is fragile, like an impressive glass spire that might all come tumbling down.  Trump hasn't even started buying ads yet and Rasmussen shows only a 1 point gap between them.  This could all turn on a dime.

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