Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Vince Foster in the News Again

23 years after he killed himself in Fort Marcy Park, Vince Foster is in the news again.  The very idea of bringing up Vince again after all this time sounds like a desperate effort to attack Hillary.  Back when he committed suicide, there were stories that Hillary and Vince had had an affair, that Vince had actually killed himself in his office, and other conspiracy theories.  However, it is beyond strange that files regarding the investigation of his death have gone missing.  The coincidences never stop with the Clintons!  I am fully willing to accept that Vince Foster was an emotionally fragile small town lawyer who descended into a suicidal depression from his time in high-stress Washington.  I will accept that story sooner than he was murdered and then his body was staged as a suicide or whatever other conspiracies were floating around back then.  If I, a Clinton critic for decades, do not hold the Clinton's responsible for Vince Foster, why are the files missing?  The story leads us to believe that Hillary browbeat Vince into suicide.  Did the investigation conclude that?  If it had, that might be grounds for 'losing' the documents rather than having Trump accuse Hillary of driving a man to suicide.
Seeing as they have vanished from the National Archives, I wonder if they were among the documents that Sandy Berger stole?  Berger was suspected of taking documents but was not confirmed to have done so until his 4th visit to the National Archives.  How much did he take and to what end?  Was he trying to get rid of some embarrassing material on Hillary to give her a better path to the Presidency or was it just an effort to save Bill from the wrath of future historians?
As we are on missing documents, what about the Rose Law Firm billing records.  Demonstrating Hillary's involvement in what became the Whitewater Scandal, these were conveniently missing throughout much of the investigation.  In fact, they were supposedly removed from Vince Foster's office within hours of his death.  Huh.  Whitewater saw 15 people convicted of fraud, conspiracy, tax evasion, and the like.  Governor Jim Guy Tucker, who was Bill's lieutenant governor, was among those convicted.  Bill and Hillary were surrounded by shady people but somehow were not tainted by it.  Well, the billing records demonstrated that Hillary billed for the meetings where the fraud was enacted.
With a history like this, is it any wonder everyone is suspicious of missing documents relating to Hillary?  If there is a deleted or missing document, odds are good that it is incriminating or embarrassing.  If she becomes president, how much do you want to bet there will be a continuing pattern of missing documents, records, or logs?  I'll pay 10 to 1 for any takers.

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