Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Who Should Drop Out?

It is entertaining to see all the calls for Donald Trump to drop out of the presidential race because he is a jerk.  Not just your run of the mill jerk but a true professional.  He is the Andrew Dice Clay of politics.  Okay, maybe not that bad.  Still, he has proposed policies that the elites find anathema, though polls find overwhelming support for them.  Hmm.  The Wall Street Journal, a host of Republican Foreign Policy experts, George Will, and a variety of Republican politicians have called for Trump to withdraw and let Mike Pence lose in November.  Well, of course that is what would happen and they all know it.  Better Hillary than Trump.  Interesting.

On the other side, no Democrats are demanding Hillary withdraw.  She was all but indicted over her email handling by FBI Director James Comey.  If these same events had happened in a Republican administration the shrieks of corruption would be unending.  And rightly so!  But she dodged that bullet, only to have another one arrive in the form of the Clinton Foundation.  Despite efforts to stonewall on the issue, the Associated Press pieced together phone logs and Clinton Foundation donations to discover that more than half of the non-governmental people who met with Secretary Clinton had also given money to the foundation.  Huh.  The case of Uranium One is an excellent example.  Rosatom, the Russian atomic energy agency, wanted to buy Uranium One.  Uranium One had a mine in the United States so the sale needed government approval.  During Hillary's time as Secretary of State, Uranium One's chairman donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.  Amazingly, the Clinton State Department approved the sale that made a Russian company the largest uranium producer in the world.  Hillary has a For Sale sign on the door and lots of foreigners are taking advantage.  With this in mind, why aren't Democrats who believe in ethical behavior demanding that Hillary step down and let Tim Kaine take over?

Each is a terrible candidate but no Americans died because Trump refused to give Christopher Stevens the added security he had been requesting for months.  Libya didn't become a failed state and a breeding ground for Jihadis because Trump wanted to bomb them.  Trump didn't abandon Iraq and provide the power vacuum that birth ISIS.  One of these candidates has a record of failure in foreign policy but the one with no such record should drop out.  So many are incredulous that the Republicans could nominate Trump but why isn't there equal, if not greater, incredulity at Hillary's nomination?

I would be all right if both dropped out and let it be a Pence vs. Kaine election.

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