Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Repudiate Taliban Supporter?

During a campaign rally not far from Orlando, Seddique Mateen was prominently visible behind Hillary as she spoke to the crowd.  Mateen has openly supported the Taliban.  Oh, he is also the father of the Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen.  Though he has said his son should not have done it, he holds Pulse partly to blame.  Of course.  Obviously, the Clinton Campaign has explained that it was an open event and everyone was welcome.  It happens that Mateen is a registered Democrat and even had a sign to show his support for Hillary.  Awesome.  However, the people seated directly behind the candidate are generally screened.  After all, it could be embarrassing if some bozo jumped up to reveal a Vote Trump shirt or Hillary for Prison.  It turns out the campaign screening process failed but they will do much better screening 10,000 Syrian refugees.
The press jumped all over Trump for not immediately repudiating the support of David Duke, a former KKK member.  Trump eventually did repudiate him but the negative stories had already run amok by then.  Too late.  Where are the demands that Hillary repudiate support from Seddique Mateen?  Where are all the stories that her failure to immediately disavow Mateen can only mean that she is homophobic and pro-terrorist?  Interesting how differently the story is covered.

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