Thursday, September 8, 2016

And You Thought $400 Million was Bad

I have a hard time believing this story.  Where did the administration get the money?  Congress has to allot money and this is a lot of money.  At the high end estimate, that is 1% of the budget.  Sure, that sounds small but that exceeds the entire annual budget of the Department of Energy and yet no one noticed until now?  What happened to the story of how we owed a total of $1.7 billion?  Were we paying $700 million a month just so they would negotiate?  Every new reveal makes the Iran Deal far, far worse.  It is already widely known that Iran is cheating on the deal and we're not going to do squat about it.  Therefore, we have given billions of dollars, lifted sanctions, and helped fund the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world for a useless 'agreement' that Iran has already ceased to observe.  Shhh!  Don't tell anyone until the next president is inaugurated.  Obama's 'Smart Diplomacy' is a catastrophe far beyond what even the most anti-Obama critic could have imagined.
If President Obama was a Manchurian Candidate for Iran, how would this be worse?  What better outcome could Iran have had?  Sanctions lifted, billions of dollars flooding in from the Great Satan, toppling American-aligned strongmen (Saleh in Yemen, Mubarak in Egypt) that provide opportunities for expanding the Iranian sphere of influence, reduction of US influence in the region, feckless response to Iran's Syrian ally, harsh rebukes toward Iran's Israeli enemies?  Yes, check all the boxes.  Neville Chamberlain got a better deal from the Nazis than Obama got from Iran.

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