Friday, September 23, 2016


Who knew that the reason this was going to be "the most transparent administration in history" would be proved correct thanks to computer hackers and FBI probes?  It turns out that though President Obama claimed to learn about the private server the same time as everyone else, he had exchanged emails - using a pseudonym - with Hillary using her non-state department email address.  I will grant that it is possible someone else program her address into his account and he never saw the actual address.  However, whoever did put that email address in the president's contacts list should have sounded an alarm when the email didn't end in .gov.
As for the argument that emails between Obama and Clinton should not be subject to FOIA requests on account executive privilege, that strikes me as a weak argument.  If emails sent between the White House and the State Department are to be covered by executive privilege, why not the entirety of the audio tapes recorded entirely within the Oval Office of the Nixon White House?  Executive privilege expands and contracts depending on which party is in the White House.
Edward Snowden, Wikileaks, DC Leaks, Guccifer and others have all contributed tremendously to the transparency of both the Obama Administration and the DNC.  Of course, this transparency is achieved because the administration is very bad at protecting secure information.  If there is a Cyber Cold War in progress, it sure looks like we are getting stomped.

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