Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Wrong Track Problem

"That other basket of people are people who feel that government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures. They are just desperate for change. Doesn't really even matter where it comes from."
Hillary Clinton
What?  I thought Obama was the best president ever.  Obama saved the economy from the disaster that Bush left, got us out of Iraq (briefly), got the US to be respected and beloved around the world, fixed our health care system, and resolved global warming.  Hillary is essentially running as a third term of Obama policies and yet she is out there saying that the government has let them down.  Huh?
Polls regularly show that a majority of Americans, somewhere around 70% of them, think the country is on the wrong track.  Hillary was an integral part of the administration that put the country on this track, at least as far as foreign policy.  Thus, she needs to acknowledge the perception of the electorate about being on the wrong track on the one hand but not criticize the current administration which chose that track.  It is a difficult position to hold and may explain Hillary's avoidance of press conferences.

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