Thursday, September 8, 2016

Uncivil Service

Here is an excellent article by Glenn Reynolds.  The civil service has demonstrated that it is in the pocket of the Democratic Party.  The DOJ declined to indict Hillary but was happy to go after Republican Governor Bob McDonald.  The DOJ had plenty of free time to harass Tea Party groups applying for tax free status but somehow could not do anything regarding the armed Black Panthers who had loitered at a polling station during the 2008 election.
In the late 19th Century, it was determined that something needed to be done about the spoils system.  Back then, when a new President arrive in Washington, he started handing out jobs to supporters.  This wholesale sweep of government officials to make room for Cousin William, long time friend Robert, and that fellow who provided alcohol for that campaign event started to look bad.  It had looked bad for a long time but it had become intolerable.  Thus, Civil Service Reform was passed and one of my heroes, Theodore Roosevelt, served on the US Civil Service Commission, seeking to stamp out the spoils system.  Henceforth, there would be professional civil servants who would do their job regardless of which party was in office.  Now the Department of Justice would indict criminals without regard to party affiliation.  Right?  The IRS would apply the same standards to applications for tax free status regardless of political beliefs.  Wouldn't it?
It turns out that people in favor of bigger government are the kind of people who become civil servants in bigger government.  Over the decades, the various bureaucracies have been taken over by Democrats.  Sure, the occasional Republican will be appointed to run the bureaucracy but the leftward bent remains entrenched.  This is certainly a huge improvement from the Democrats' view but a permanent and growing obstacle to Republicans even when they are in charge.  Democrats want to expand government, something civil servants want.  Republicans supposedly want to shrink government, which means job losses for civil servants.  Is it any wonder the bureaucracies are innately hostile to right-leaning groups and also willing to ignore wrongdoing by Democrats?
Nepotism is less corrupt.  Bring back the spoils system!

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