Saturday, September 3, 2016

Going Senile?

I am old enough to remember that when a politician repeatedly did not recall something - say Ronald Reagan regarding Iran-Contra - it was an early sign of his Alzheimer's Disease.  Really, if his memory was that bad and he was that far out of the loop, what business did he have being president?  Point taken.  Now let's talk about Hillary Clinton's responses to the FBI during her recent interview.  After 8 years as First Lady, 8 years as a Senator, and 4 years as Secretary of State, she could not recognize the Classified demarcation on documents.  Really?  Either she is lying so that she does not admit guilt to gross negligence in handling classified material or she is incompetent/going senile.  Take your pick.  She provided a long list of I don't know and I don't recall responses.  Do you remember being instructed on handling of classified information?  No?  You signed the form.  See, here is your signature.  Do you recall that the FBI said don't use a Blackberry?  Heck, you sent out a memo instructing State Department staff of that very issue.  However, you continued to use a non-governmental Blackberry, overseas no less!
Hillary is lying to avoid convicting herself of crimes by her own statements.  However, it is also possible she is going senile, that the blood clot in her head was a stroke that has diminished her capacity and wiped out some of her memory.  Whichever it is, she should not be president.

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