Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Complete Waste of Time

Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland has introduced the Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity Act.  The act would create a panel who would determine if the president was physically and/or mentally fit to continue in office.  Raskin, a Democrat, must be aware that such legislation is not likely to get through a Republican House.  Nor is it likely to get through a Republican Senate.  If by some miracle it did get through both those bodies, I can guarantee that President Trump is not going to sign it into law.  This isn't news, it's a publicity stunt.  Representative Raskin's constituents should be irritated that he has wasted time on what amounts to "I hate Trump" legislation.  Worse, Raskin would be screaming from the mountaintops if this exact bill had been introduced during the Obama Presidency so it isn't even as if it can be pulled out of the drawer for a Democratic president to eventually sign.  Wasted paper.  Wasted time.

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