Friday, July 28, 2017

Priebus, You're Fired

From the very start, it was clear that Trump selected Reince Preibus as his chief of staff as a sop to the Republican Party.  The idea was that Preibus - who hails from Wisconsin like Speaker Ryan - would be a liaison between the outsider Trump and the vast array of insiders.  With the latest legislative fumble and a continuing hostile relationship between insider and outsider, it is clear that choosing Preibus accomplished nothing.  In fact, it was probably counterproductive.  It is almost a certainty that Preibus counseled Trump to let Ryan and McConnell handle the legislative agenda.  Six months and squat.
Speaking of the do-nothing Congress, they have some gall to lecture Trump on the running of the executive when they are flailing in the legislature.  Again, where is that repeal bill that this same group of Senators and Representatives sent to Obama's desk in January 2016?  Current events show that they were counting on Obama to veto it so that they could convince the rubes back home that they were sincere when they promised to repeal Obamacare.  McCain and Murkowski voted for it then but against it now.  Too bad no one can fire them anytime soon.

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